personal data processing rules


 (photos, video and audio recordings)

 In connection with personal data that we can obtain or have obtained from you during the performance of FOTOSERVIS activities in connection with your participation in events, we recommend that you pay attention to these personal data processing rules, by processing which we process the provided personal data. 

1. Introduction Your privacy is important to us, therefore we strive to ensure a high level of protection of your personal data during their processing, as well as maintaining the transparency of their processing in accordance with the following legal regulations in force in the Slovak Republic: 

a) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the "General Data Protection Regulation ") only "regulation"), 

b) Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the law"), (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

For the purposes of the GDPR, the operator determining the purpose and scope of the processing of personal data obtained in connection with your participation in the events of the company Arila s.r.o., operating on the basis of a trade license, ID: 55653154, with registered office: Vodárenská 1700/11, 911 01 Trenčín (hereinafter referred to as " with"). With regard to the processing of personal data that we have obtained in connection with your participation in events, or if you wish to exercise any of the belowmentioned rights arising from the GDPR, please contact us in writing at the above address of the registered office of Ak or electronically at e-mail address: 

We declare that we have taken all measures in accordance with the GDPR and hereby undertake to protect this data from accidental as well as illegal disease and destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized access and disclosure, as well as against any other inadmissible forms of processing in the sense of the measures adopted in the assessment of the impact on personal data protection.

2. Collection of personal data

For the purposes specified below, we take photos, video and audio recordings at the event you are currently participating in or have participated in. Your likeness or other expressions of a personal nature that could be considered personal data may also be captured on these records. In order to ensure the delivery of photos to you, we also process the following personal data: email and event number. These rules apply to the processing of personal data that we obtain or process in connection with your participation in the event. We process the obtained personal data in accordance with the principle of minimization of personal data processing enshrined in the GDPR and therefore only process them to the extent necessary. 

3. Purposes for which we process your personal data

We process your personal data for the purpose of selling photos to you as a participant of the event, for the purpose of informing about the event, for the purpose of promoting the event, organizers, and business partners of the event to the general public, as well as potential business partners. The purpose or goal of personal data processing is not the individual identification of you as the person concerned, or ascertaining your identity, possibly additional personal data, or other information about you. However, our automated information system must, to the extent necessary, ensure the basic connection of your likeness with another identifier, namely your email address, in order to offer and/or deliver to you photos in which you have been or will be recorded.

4. Legal basis for processing your personal data The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is in accordance with Art. 6 par. 1 letter f of the regulation and § 13 par. 1 letter f of the Act, the legitimate interests of the operator in informing about the event, building good relations with the public and related by expanding the operator's business activities. Even if the legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest, we always respect and prioritize your rights and interests over our interests. 

5. Time of processing your personal data 

Your personal data, or we keep photos, video and audio recordings as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we obtained them, but for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of acquisition. We regularly check the duration of the processing of personal data, and if it expires, we will end the processing of personal data and delete the personal data or we will liquidate. 

6. Sharing and processing of your personal data by third parties

In accordance with the processing purposes specified in these rules, your personal data is also processed through third parties. Such third parties are persons who provide us with services related to the organization and promotion of the event, services related to technical and software support, and services related to the administration of the operator's marketing activities. Your personal data is not made available to third parties for the purposes of their independent use or processing beyond the purposes of these rules. Photographs, video and audio recordings are recorded and processed on behalf of the operator by third parties, the so-called intermediaries, providing sufficient guarantees that they will ensure the protection of all your rights in terms of the GDPR and these rules. We declare that when choosing third parties, we paid attention to their professional, technical, organizational and personnel competence and their ability to guarantee the security of processed personal data with measures in accordance with the GDPR. 

7. International transfer of your personal data

In order to promote the event, photos, video and audio recordings containing your personal data may be stored and/or published by third parties parties whose registered office or place of storage of personal data on the server may be outside the territory of the European Union (e.g. Facebook, Instagram service). 

8. Your rights related to the processing of your personal data

 The GDPR grants you a considerable range of rights, which we respect and will allow you to exercise in full. In order for you to feel comfortable and free at the event, and the privacy of you, or of the persons for whom you are responsible, is important to you, and you do not wish to take and/or further process a photograph, video and audio recording with your likeness or their likeness, please as follow. If you notice that you are the subject of our photographer or videographer, do not hesitate to contact him with your request; he will certainly do everything to please her. 

The provisions of the GDPR generally grant data subjects the following rights: the right to request from the operator access to personal data concerning the data subject, the right to correct personal data, the right to delete personal data and the right to limit the processing of personal data and the right to portability of personal data. Due to the fact that the purposes of personal data processing do not require identification of you as a data subject and we do not have such personal data that would allow us to determine your identity, we are not objectively capable and obliged pursuant to Art. 11 of the regulation and § 18 of the law to exercise your rights and perform the following: 

a) provide you with access to personal data, or provide you with a copy of personal data (photos, video and audio recordings); 

b) to correct the personal data that we keep about you, if you believe that this personal data may be inaccurate, out-of-date, or incorrect; 

c) delete personal data that we process about you; 

d) restrict the use of your personal data. 

However, if you can provide sufficient information to enable your identification in photographs, video and audio recordings, and you wish to do so, we will make every effort to delete the recordings in which you are clearly identifiable. As part of the exercise of your rights, you are further entitled under certain circumstances in accordance with Art. 21 of the regulation and § 27 of the law to object to the processing of your personal data. It is important for us that you know that we do not use the collected personal data for activities related to or leading to profiling or direct marketing.

If you are interested in more information about your rights arising from the GDPR, which can be exercised against us in relation to the processing of your personal data, do not hesitate to contact us in writing at the address of our registered office listed at the beginning of these rules or at the e-mail address: Our interest is, as far as possible, to answer any of your legally relevant questions and to resolve any request or complaint related to the processing of your personal data in connection with your participation in the event in relation to photos, video and audio recordings. However, if you feel that we have not resolved your complaint, please note that you have the right to file a complaint with the Office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Slovak Republic. 

These personal data processing rules can be unilaterally supplemented or changed at any time.